Tumults Of Terri

This is not so much a post for Terri LaBonte: Reinventing Myself In Retirement as just a message to let you all know that, despite the discombobulations of my life in the past ten days, I am alive and well and still living in central Florida.  I’ll be posting more details in posts over the next few weeks, but, for now, just now that we are safe and all manner of things will be well….. once we regain power.

My beautiful mother passed away early in the morning of September 2.  In my sadness, I began frantically grasping distraction- accepting any and all invitations, volunteering for projects and organizations, planning fun outings for the next year.

Before I got very far into my business mania, we heard that Hurricane Irma was on its way and would likely impact central Florida pretty significantly.  We spent days preparing and I spent lots of brain cells worrying.

Irma hit on Sunday and we hunkered down to wait out the blast.  And blast it was.  Blessedly, we are safe and the house seems to have weathered everything quite nicely. The wind was still bad Monday, but we were obviously past the worst.  Today, we did clean up.

We don’t have power or internet and won’t until the middle of whenever.  Still, we count ourselves lucky and gifted by God.  My cell phone battery has died and so has my laptop battery.  I am charging them both in the community clubhouse, as I type.

Just wanted to let you know that I’ll post again as soon as I can.  Thank you all for your prayers and support.

Terri 🙂


16 thoughts on “Tumults Of Terri”

  1. My deepest sympathy for the loss of your beautiful mum. I am so very sorry to hear of her passing. Here I was just worrying about you weathering the storm and had no idea of your loss. I’m glad y’all are safe and I am sending love and prayers to get you through the next few weeks! Love always, Shari xoxo

  2. So sorry about the loss of your mom. Please be kind to yourself as you grieve her passing. My prayers are with you.

    And good news about the wrath of Irma. I too am blessed that our home near St Pete survived without any damage. I was 900 miles away worrying and googling flood-clean-up protocols – the storm surge predicted for our town (I’m 2 blocks to the beach) was frightening.

    Now I’m sitting up north in the cold damp rain she’s bringing this way. And hoping for a return to an Indian summer of fall temperatures.

    1. Thank you for your kind wishes, Pat.

      I’m so glad you are safe and intact after Irma. I knew that some of my online friends were also in her Path of Wrath and I was worried. Thanks for letting us know you are okay.

  3. So sorry on the loss of your mom. It’s been a deeply emotional journey that you have shared so beautifully with us. Of course that journey is not over as you grieve, but I hope you will find some peace as you remember all the times you shared.

    Glad you are safe and hopefully your power is back.
    Best, Joy

    1. Thank you, Joy. Yes, the power and Internet are back on now- much more quickly than predicted. Yay, yay, yay!

  4. Dear Terri:

    So sorry in the passing of your dear mother. May you know God’s comfort at this time.

    Now you have been through a Florida hurricane….and survived. Glad you now have electricity and are back in the groove.

    You are in our prayers, dear friend.

    Love you, Lois Kemerer

    1. Thanks, Lois. Yes, I guess I can add surviving a hurricane to my resume. God blesses us in so many ways!

  5. Hello Terri,

    I am sorry to hear about the loss of your mother. It sounds like the past year with her was extra special. Glad to hear you are doing well.



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